A one-of-a-kind destination that caters to those with a discerning taste for luxury and exquisite treasures.
Abby's has an extensive collection of designer handbags available from Chanel, to Louis Vuitton and Gucci. In our jewelry showcases you'll find a unique assortment of modern, beautifully crafted jewelry, and a collection of gorgeous vintage and antique pieces.
We have a
great selection of mix-and-match pendants and chains so you can get the right look for any occasion. Each item available is curated specifically for our shop, not bought in bulk like most jewelry stores.
We don't leave anyone out, we have a selection of luxury timepieces as well such as Rolex, Omega, and IWC, along with small electronics, instruments, and tools. Also offered is an interest-free layaway plan, with up to 10 months to pay off your treasures!
Abby's is also a pawn shop, so when you need capital, just bring us your collateral! If you'd like to learn more, give us a call or a text at
707-843-7646. We are located at 618 Santa Rosa Avenue, in the hot pink building! You can also shop our inventory online.